Bunt bemalter großer Globus, der in einer Fußgängerzone steht

The world reimagined

From August 13th to October 31st 2022, a total of 103 artistically designed globes were put on public display in seven cities across the UK to commemorate Britain's involvement in the transatlantic enslavement trade. The blog post reports on the action and explains what Flensburg has to do with it.

Conversations about Flensburg’s colonial heritage – A report

How does Flensburg live and experience its coloniality? Where do we stand? What has changed? And what could the future look like? With these questions, the Pilkentafel Theatre Workshop invited people to talk about Flensburg's colonial heritage on December 14th 2022. In this blog post we would like to briefly summarise the results of the evening.
Die Figur der Okeanide, das Sinnbild der Ozeanfahrt, in einem Springbrunnen in Altona

Flensburg and Altona as Postcolonial Port Cities

What do Flensburg and Altona have to do with colonialism? Are there connections between the two cities? Similarities or differences? After a short introduction and a lecture, we would like to talk about this with anyone who is interested.
Foto aus der Ausstellung "Curating Discomfort"

Curating Discomfort

'Cuating the Discomfort' is an intervention at the Hunterian Museum in Glasgow that critically explores post/colonial power relations in museums. A report on the intervention and why we in Flensburg are inspired by it.